The Rules for Teachers, Students and Life
Lesezeit: 3 Minuten | von Gabriela Meyer | 08.08.2018
As a trainer I am always thrilled to find beautiful methodologies and inspiration from gifted teachers.
Do you know the 10 beautiful rules by Corita Kent? As a trainer and lecturer i live by this.
“Nothing is a mistake. There’s no win and no fail, there’s only make.” Corita Kent
I post them for you as a PDF. Just click here on the 10 RULES by CORITA KENT – brought to you by Modern Life Seminars.
If you find them inspiring, save the PDF to your desktop or forward it.
A Proverb states:
„A wise teacher makes learning a joy.“ Corita Kent
Sister Corita Kent’s teachings live on – and the result is joy.
I love how it says that even though this is a list of rules, you don’t even have to follow them.
More information: If you are interested to know more about Corita Kent, Maria Popova has the full story check it out. If you want to read the rules in German, check out this FAZ Article.